Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Assignment:

In each of the following exercises provide a complete description of the web service using WSDL. Thus, each description should include the necessary type, message, port type, binding and service definitions.

Exercise 1

 Describe a web service that interacts with a databank of patient records in XYZ Public Hospital. This web service provides the number of patients (output) affected by a certain disease (input). Please note that only primitive types must be used. And there should be an HTTP GET binding for the web service.

Exercise 2

In this exercise, the web service to be described is the same as in exercise 1 along with the following changes. Add the function of obtaining the name (last name, first name, middle initial) of a patient by providing the patient identification number. Use appropriate complex types. There should be a SOAP binding for the web service.

Exercise 3

Describe a web service that allows the client to pass an image to the databank of patient records in XYZ Public Hospital. Please note that there is no response generated in this web service. The image that is passed is either a GIF or a JPEG. Thus, the WSDL description should be extended to incorporate MIME.

Exercise 4

Describe a web service that allows the client to add/receive the address (street, city, state, zip) of a patient to the databank of patient records in XYZ Public Hospital along with a patient identification number. The WSDL description must be extended to include Java binding.

Exercise 5

Describe a web service that returns the number of days in each month of the year. There are no input parameters. The output provided by the web service should be in the form of an array. Define appropriate complex types. There should be a SOAP binding for the web service.